L’animoteur 13 — was bisher geschehen ist (what has happened until now)
an approximation exercise to becoming donkey
Dorothea Rust
- garments: from «L'animoteur 5 + 6» shirt and the cut-up trousers (reassembled with safty pins) | black men's shoes with metal fittings | 'donkey tail' made of wool
- visual panels: kinetic image «L'animoteur 4 + 12» | from all L'animoteur performances a selection of image panels and a selection of text panels with quotes from Jacques Derrida and Hélène Cixous
- songs: «Your are so beautiful to me», version Billie Preston | karaoke «I am the Champion of the world» (Queens)
- body marking: one half of the face in 'donkey colours' based on «L'animoteur 5 + 6» | on the legs zebra stripes of the wild donkey (designed by Liesel Wünsche)
place | date
SPOT ON. Fachtagung zur Kunstpraxis in der Lehrer:innenbildung (symposium on art practice in teacher training)
Technische Universität Dresden in cooperation with the initiators of der Veranstaltungsreihe SPOT ON. event series
16 - 17 June 2023 // TU Dresden
lecture performance 16 June -
organisers SPOT ON.
Dr. Christin Lübke (BDK university advisor, deputy professor for the theory of artistic design at TU Dresden) und Dr. Antje Dudek (research assistant at the Institute for Art and Musicology at TU Dresden).
The series of events was initiated in cooperation with Dr Nadia Bader (Junior Professor of Art and its Didactics at the Freiburg University of Education) and Dr Raphael Spielmann (Lecturer in Art and its Didactics at the Freiburg University of Education).