Teaching the Teachers — Jardin d’Europe, ttt
method seminar + workshops + presentations + performance
participants of «Teaching the Teachers»
Tamás Bakó HU | Viktória Varga HU | Éva Karczag AUS / NL | Gill Clarke UK | Susanne Martin DE | Peter Pleyer DE | Dorothea Rust CH
background of the conference «Teaching the Teachers»
«I was invited by the dancer Eva Karczag (since 1972 member of leading groups and facilitator of experimental dance in America, Australia and Europe) to participate in «Teching the Teachers, ttt» in Budapest.
«Teaching the Teachers» is a cultural program of the European Union, an initiative that always takes place in different cities in Europe twice a year for about 10 days each. So far, this program has been organised in Vienna, Bucharest, Stockholm and Budapest and will take place in other places in the future. It raises current questions about the development of contemporary dance, in particular about the teaching of dance and training methods and about different approaches to dance creation. Influences from other media and genres, such as dramaturgy, scenography, visual arts practice, film and photography, may have a bearing depending on the participants. The conference can take different forms of exchange and mediation.
In Budapest, it was organised by Workshop Foundation as a series of visits to theatres, dance schools and alternative studio and performance venues. The aim was to get information about the organisation and activities and thus an impression of each place. Each morning, a different 'ttt participant' taught students, professional dancers and other interested people. The afternoon was reserved for reflection. On one of the last days, a performance evening initiated by active members of the Budapest dance-performance scene - especially by the dancer Eszter Gál - and guest dancers took place. An ad hoc structure for the evening was agreed upon, to which both the participating dancers and the musicians adhered. On the second last day, we presented the results of our conference as a spatial performativ installation at an open forum at the Budapest Dance Academy and sought exchange with the students present, leading members of dance faculties and active members of the dance scene in Budapest.
publication «Teaching the Teachers – documentation of a methodological seminar for dance-teachers and dancers»
interview with all research participants: Tamás Bakó, Viktória Varga, Gill Clarke, Susanne Martin, Peter Pleyer, Dorothea Rust.
Published in «Teaching the Teachers — Documentation of a methodological seminar for dance-teachers and dancers», Workshop Foundation, Budapest 2010, ISBN 978–963–08–0140–9, S. 61–64