Beckett Walk VI — another ghost dance

Beckett Walk VI — another ghost dance

installation for a performance-ritual

  • concept | realisation

    Dorothea Rust

  • material

    from research work and performances in Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Chile and Bulgaria, and from themes that are currently on my mind: photocopied pages from books | written panels | my own photos and found footage | various objects | items of clothing from past performances such as llama fur and shoes with imitation leopard fur patterns.

  • place | date

    DOCE EN DICIEMBRE - Basel edition, exhibition and performance
    Kaskadenkondensator Basel
    8—16 October 2021

  • parti­ci­pating artists.x

    Southamerica: Luján Funes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 | Paola Junqueira, Sao Paolo, Brasil 
| Maja Lascano, Buenos Aires, Argentina | 
Belén Romero Gunset, Tucumán, Argentina
 |n Jazmín Saidman, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Switzerland: Monika Dillier, Basel
 | Gisela Hochuli, Bern | 
Barbara Naegelin, Basel
 | Chris Regn, Basel/Hamburg
 | Dorothea Rust, Zürich | 
Andrea Saemann, Basel

  • organised

    Andrea Saemann, Chris Regn, Monika Dillier in cooperation with Kaskadenkondensator Basel and URRA Argentinien