Air Waste Health Water Energy Soil

Air Waste Health Water Energy Soil

thematic exhibition project

  • idea | organisation

    Marille Hahne and Jill Scott in collaboration with Barbara Bietenholz, Dorothea Rust and Julie Schroell

  • artists.x

    Bruno Alder | ALMA | Sabian Baumann | Yvon Baumann | Eva Bertschinger | Barbara Bietenholz | Nora de Baan & Berndt | Xinhao Cheng | Jordis Fellfrau | Caroline Fink | Marille Hahne | Elmer & Haider | Marianne Halter | Stefan Haller | Nicole Henning | Gabriel Hensche | Johanna Lier | Irene Müller | Ursula Palla | Peter Radelfinger | Corina Rauer | RELAX | Matthias Ruegg | Dorothea Rust | Antonio Scarponi | Julie Schroell | Jill Scott | Sebastian Sieber | Sandro Steudler | Marion Strunk | Milva Stutz | Thomas Trenkle Popp | Andrea Wolfensberger | Christoph Zellweger

  • place | duration of exhibition

    cooperative Gleis70, Hermetschloostr. 70, 8049 Zuerich
    2nd floor and roof terrace
    3—20 June 2021
    opening hours, Fridays 4-8 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays 11 a.m.–7 p.m.

  • program

    3rd June
    opening in collaboration with Fyrabig-Bar

    11th June
    film evening - open air cinema with animated film 'My Dear Lover' by Milva Stutz | documentary 'River Tales' by Julie Schroell | short film 'Fine' by Marianne Halter & Mario Marchisella

    6th and 20h June
    Scientists-Tour with Laser Zurich and Life Science Zurich, organised by Jill Scott & Silvie Cuperus

    5th June
    tour of the exhibition with Marion Strunk:
    Performance 'Meditation, Hypnosis' by Nora de Baan & Tobias Berndt: 5th June

    6th and 13th June
    Dance Performance 'Confusion of the Elements' by Laila Haider & Natascha Elmer

    11th June
    Performance 'Plastic Exercise' by Dorothea Rust & Anne Käthi Wehrli

    19th June
    Workshop Pestomaking with basil grown in the exhibition by Antonio Scarponi

    20th June
    Reading from the book 'Amori. The Islands' by Johanna Lier

    3rd June — 1 July 2021
    guest art space 'luke', solo exhibition by Milva Stutz

    Lounge with sofas and space for discussion during opening hours

  • realisation

    Air Waste Health Water Energy Soil team
    with Barbara Bietenholz, Marille Hahne, Dorothea Rust, Julie Schroell and Jill Scott