Selfie im Bau in Bronze

Selfie im Bau in Bronze

'selfie in the 'den' in bronze' — performative intervention as a meditation and video-work

  • concept

    Dorothea Rust in collaboration with Petit Grégoire Videolabor, Jens Woernle, Hili Leimgruber

  • intervention | filming

    Dorothea Rust with Hili Leimgruber, Sascha Willen­bacher and Katrin Jaberg (lecturer and student at University of Education FHNW

  • material

    clothing for live inter­vention with brown-grey tunic, dark blue short sports leggings and silver Birkenstock sandals | text script | for filming Osmo-mobile and iPhones

  • body marking

    in colla­bo­ration with Hili Leimgruber

  • length

    live-inter­vention approx. 35–40 min. | film 16 min.

  • film-editing

    Dorothea Rust and Hili Leimgruber, Petit Grégoire Videolabor

  • place | date

    phKultur, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switz­erland FHNW, University of Education

    20 april 2021 : live-inter­vention with filming
    from 5 May 2021 : online as podcast

  • curated | organised

    phKultur, University of Education FHNW, Campus Muttenz, Sascha Willen­bacher