es promeniert

es promeniert

a ramble through KSA Park

  • concept | performance

    Dorothea Rust: artist dancer | Marie-Anne Lerjen: walking artist | Marco Käppeli: musician composer

  • material

    Dorothea Rust: a big handkerchief, 'Glarner-Tüchli', as blindfold | Marie-Anne Lerjen: two cement blocks with leather belts | Marco Käppeli: percussion on Gaia-sculptur in KSA Park and alphorn

  • length

    approx. 75 min.

  • place | date

    Kunst im Kantonsspital Aarau (Art in the Cantonal Hospital)
    'es promeniert — a ramble through the KSA Park
    2 July 2017

  • curated | organised

    Sadhyo Niederberger