Anna IV — im Unterrichtszimmer

Anna IV — im Unterrichtszimmer

'in the classroom' — performance intervention

  • concept | performance

    Dorothea Rust

  • material

    4 sawn-off wooden table legs | the old leather hiking boots of my mother Anna | 1 large handkerchief, 'Glarner-Tüchli' as a blindfold cloth | white A4 paper | 2 rols of painter adhesive tape

  • length

    approx. 30—45 min.

  • place | date

    Hochschule Luzern, Technik & Architektur, Institut Architektur, HSLU Horw
    (University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, Technology & Architecture, HSLU Horw)
    Modul Konzeption + DenkWerk
    (module concept + work of thinking)
    24 November 2010

  • curated | organised

    Monika Kiss-Horvath, lecturer HSLU University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, Institut Architecture