Teaching the Teachers — Jardin d’Europe, ttt
method seminar + workshops + presentations + performance
methodological seminar
and conference with workshops, presentations, performance in the scope of Jardin d’Europe, Cultural Program of the European Union
Jardin d’Europe, ttt – Teching the Teachers
Workshop Foundation Budapest Petra Péter, Gergely Tallo
Professional co-operating partner Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy -
Tamás Bakó HU | Viktória Varga HU | Éva Karczag AUS / NL | Gill Clarke UK | Susanne Martin DE | Peter Pleyer DE | Dorothea Rust CH
conference venue
Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy
visited places and institutions
L1 DanceLab | Sin Cultural Center | Trafo Theater. Mu Theater | Gödor Klub | Artus, Hungarian Dance Academy
collaborativ performance
Sin Cultural Center
place | date
Budapest, 13—20 April 2010