Newton's Äpfel I — Adler Hund Stier Fuchs Fisch
'eagle dog taurus fox fisch' — installation 'in progress'
Dorothea Rust
approx. 6'000 envelopes addressed to me from 2003 to 2010 / accessory cord, hemp and parcel strings | elastic bands | objects and tree stumps sewn into terry cloth | found objects and articles of daily use | natural materials such as branches and stones / the old, leather mountain boots of my mother Anna | 1 pair of old, black men's shoes | 1 pair of rubber boots | 1 pair of fishing boots | 1 bicycle / approx. 5 kg apples
place | date
K3 project space, Maag-Areal, Zurich presents:
Chamre Meublées
second venue of the exhibition series «Im Bauch des Wals» (in the belly of the whale)
«Performing the Exhibition — On exhibition practice between performance and installation»
1—17 October 2010 -
group exhibition with artists
Pe Lang (CH) | Davor Ljubicic (DE) | Dorothea Rust (CH) | Berclaz de Sierre (CH)
curated | organised
Sibylle Omlin