Corps de Paysage — Paysage de Corps

Corps de Paysage — Paysage de Corps

lecture + performance + intervention

  • concept | performance

    Dorothea Rust

  • material

    1 sport climbing harness with carabine hook | 1 climbing rope | 1 large carrying bag | 1 pair of high shaft fishing boots | cardboard panels with photocopied images of canonical examples of postmodern dance

  • length

    40 min.

  • place | date

    Paysage son Image
    Colloque de l’Ecole Cantonale d’Art du Valais
    Château Mercier, Sierre
    «Die Landschaft in der künstlerischen Praxis»
    (The Landscape in Artistic Practice)
    symposium «Paysage Son Image», a project of ECAV Research
    21 & 22 October 2010

  • parti­ci­pating artists

    Gilles Aubry (musician) | Roberto Barbanti (theoretician) | Raphaël Brunner (philosopher), Dorota Buczkowka (artist) | Christophe Fellay (musician) | Pierre Mariétan (musician amd composer), Norbert Mösling (artist) | Katherine Oggier Chanda (artist) | Sibylle Omlin (art theoretician, directpr of l’ECAV | Dorothea Rust (artist) | Katja Schenker (artist), | Ernst Thoma (artist)

  • curated | organised

    Sibylle Omlin, L'École Cantonale d’Art du Valais ECAV