Anna I — Was beschäftigt dich sonst noch?

Anna I — Was beschäftigt dich sonst noch?

'what else keeps you engaged?' — performance

  • concept | performance

    Dorothea Rust

  • material

    1 oriental carpet | sport climbing harness with carabiner hook | 1 climbing rope | 1 pair of climbing shoes | played from the computer on youtube: flight of a Cessna

  • length

    approx. 30—40 min.

  • place | date

    Präsente: Was beschäftigt dich sonst noch? (what else keeps you engaged?)
    A survey by Judith Huber and Andrea Saemann.
    Two evenings with performances and talks
    Kaskadenkondensator Basel

    5 & 6 May 2010

  • guest on 6 May

    Brigitte Dätwyler

  • curated | organised

    Judith Huber and Andrea Saemann