Ritual für (den) einen Mittelpunkt
'ritual for the (one) center' — Performance Art Award Switzerland
* 1—4 from the script | 5 + 6 audience with performance panels *
announcement of the performance "Ritual für den (einen) Mittelpunkt» (Ritual for (the) one center point)
The title announces it: The performance gives the opportunity to design a ritual for (the) centre(s), and thus to communicate with the environment and those* present. Whether it becomes a ritual and according to which rules it plays, how much control I and all participants* have in this situation, what else exerts control over us, what contexts and objects are revealed, also what else might be contained in words, names and topographical and political surveys (maps), remains as incalculable as the effect on all those present* and involved. In any case, we are moving on uncertain terrain, everything is 'in flux', even the centre point.