ÜBUNG EXERCISE No. 9 — is melting choir

9 minutes performance @ LEGS Zurich

* first LEGS, 7. Februar 2015, février, 2015, 13h—21h, Espace Cercle Carré (36 rue Queen, Montréal), photo © Laurence Poirier et Manoushka De Morceaux *

LEGS, Score

1. Is made by local artists (local/provincial) participating on a voluntary basis

2. Is not crafted by a singular artistic direction or selection method, and refuses all curating models (there is a lead organizer who acquires a space and starts the chain of invitations - this is the only entity-driven action)

3. Is intergenerational, and the invitation is extended to performance artists at all stages of their careers. It does not however pretend or attempt to be an exhaustive representation of a community.

4. Is a minimum of 7 hours and a maximum of 9 hours long; the durational for each work is decided by dividing the total chosen time with the number of participating artists in order to realize a continuous performance relay without pause. The order of the performances is arbitrary.

5. Is not performed for the sake of the camera, but is photo documented and live streamed, if possible. Images will be collected by the transmitter, made available to participating artists, and published on a collective Legs website, where the multiplying manifestations can co- exist.

6. Is characterized by the fact that each participating artist is autonomous; there is no technical or material support. Artists are responsible for their own set up and clean up (which is part of their allotted time). No performance will be stopped but artists will begin at their scheduled time.

7. Is not financed by any public program or entity and doesn't generate monetary profit for the organizers or the participants.

8. If desired, asks for a donation from attending audience who are free to come and go as they please; the collected donations compensate venue rental or documentation, if necessary, and the remainder is spent on refreshments for all.

9. Can only be transmitted to/in another community by an individual (or a small group) who has participated in a previous edition, and the physical participation of these transmitters in the next event is preferred.

10. Is shared through this score and set of principals across the performance art network.

LEGS performance - WHAT IS LEGS  
Basel 2017 | Giswil 2017 | Olten 2016 | Montréal 2015 | Toronto 2015 | Zürich 2016