Solo dance performance, collaborations in dance and music projects
with dancers and choreographers
Deborah Gladstein (USA), Eva Karczag (AUS/NL), Gloria Desideri (IT), Ruth Füglistaller (USA/CH) and DA MOTUS (CH) and others
with musicians and composers
Hildegard Kleeb (CH), Jeremias Schwarzer (DE), Malcolm Goldstein (USA/CA), David Moss (USA/DE), Peter Machajdik (SK/DE), Charlotte Hug (CH), Leo Bachmann (CH), Daniel Mouthon (CH), Margrit Schenker (CH) and others
with artists
Nicoletta West (CH), Markus Schwander (CH) and others
with light-designers
Bert de Raeymaecker (CH), Frank Dardel (CH), Richard Kerry (USA/NL), Daniela Zehnder (CH) and others
performances in galleries and art spaces, museums, theatres and at dance, music and performance festivals in USA and Europa
St. Mark’s Church New York
DTW in New York
Knitting Factory New York
P.S. 122 New York
Bennington College Vermont
Yellow Springs Institute, Cester Springs PA
Pyramid Arts Center Rochester NY
Painted Bride Philadelphia
Dance Place Washinton D.C
Movement Research New York
and othersFestival Visionäre Schweiz Düsseldorf
Hörgänge Wien, Österreich
Berliner Festival für Neue Musik, Akademie der Künste
Mu-Theater Budapest, Ungarn
Riiklik Kunsti Museum Tallinn, Estland
Akademie der Künste Bratislava, Slowakei
Sociedad Nacional De Belas Artes Lissabon, Portugal
Vanha Helsinki, Finnland
Taidemuseo Pori, Finnland
Ballhaus Berlin
Museum für neue Kunst Freiburg i.Br. DE
and othersKunsthaus Aarau
Kunsthalle Bern
Kunsthalle Basel
Kunstmuseum Luzern
Kunsthaus Zug
Kunsthalle Fri-Art Fribourg
Performance- Index Basel
Kulturwerkstatt Kaserne Basel
Seedamm-Kulturzentrum Pfäffikon
Kunstmuseum Thun
Salle Patino Genf
Belluard Bollwerk International
Galerie Walcheturm Zürich
Kulturpanorama Luzern
Rote Fabrik Zürich
Seefeld Tanzprojekt Zürich
and others -
Member of the dance company Deborah Gladstein and Dancers New York and the Tangram Company Zurich, directed by Eileen Nemeth, Zurich. Performances in Switzerland and the USA at dance festivals and in art spaces, galleries and at training centres and colleges etc.