«Revolving Hi:stories - translocal hi:stories of Performance Art Zurich» & BANG BANG. Two research events at Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK and at Tanzhaus Zurich for «BANG BANG translokale Performance Geschichte:n», exhibition at Museum Tinguely Basel. Collaboration with Chris Regn, Sabine Gebhardt Fink and Tancredi Gusman.
«AIR_WASTE_HEALTH_WATER_ENERGY_SOIL», art exhibition with events at Gleis 70, Zürich-Altstetten, with 36 artists of the cooperative Gleis 70. Conceptualised and organised by Marille Hahne, Jill Scott, Barbara Bietenholz, Julie Schroell and Dorothea Rust.
«Perf ab Presse», a new format of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland, «Resonance in Speech» at Material Raum für Buchkultur, Zurich, organised by Andrea Saemann and Dorothea Rust.
«DIE LÄNGSTE NACHT | THE LONGEST NIGHT – 16 hours nonstop performances», 21 & 22 December from dawn to sunset, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, with 49 international artists. Curated and organised by Dorothea Rust, Irene Müller, Jörg Köppl and Karen Geyer.
«Perf ab Presse», a new format of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland, «Resonance in Speech» at Material Raum für Buchkultur, Zurich, organised by Andrea Saemann and Dorothea Rust.
Managing the agenda of the internet platform of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland.
Administrating the agenda rubric of the website of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland,
«translocal SYMPODIUM – What’s Wrong with Performance Art?», Corner College Zurich. 3 day event with performances, panels and discussions. 42 participating curators, theoreticians and artists. Curated and organised by Dimitrina Sevova and Dorothea Rust.
«ACT Performance Festival» for students of Swiss Universities: in charge of «ACT Sierre 2017» on behalf of L'École Cantonale d'Art du Valais ECAV, in collaboration with «ACT Luzern 2017» of Hochschule Luzern — Design & Kunst HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Design & Art HSLU), realised at Hochschule Luzern, at Viscosi Emmenbrücke.
«THE LONGEST DAY 2017 goes India and becomes THE LONGEST PERFORMANCE DAY Bangalore», Venkatappa Gallery, VAGForum Bangalor. Artistic curatorial project, continuously from 10—21.10 h, with 27 invited artists from all over India. Co-curated and co-organised by Dorothea Rust, Irene Müller Zürich, Suresh Kumar and Smitha Cariappa Bangalore.
Managing the agenda of the internet platform of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland. -
Initiating «LUPE Zurich», initiating synergies between artists, curators and organisers in Zurich and the surrounding area.
«ACT Performance Festival» for students of Swiss Universities: in charge of «ACT Sierre 2016» on behalf of L'École Cantonale d'Art du Valais ECAV, in collaboration with «ACT Luzern 2016» of Hochschule Luzern — Design & Kunst HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Design & Art HSLU), realised at the exhibition hall USEGO in Sierre.
Managing the agenda of the internet platform of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland.
«LEGS Zurich», performance relay, continuously from 11—19.45 h, with 57 artists from the region Zurich, Corner College Zurich. Initiated and coordinated by Dorothea Rust in collaboration with Dimitrina Sevova.
Developing and managing the agenda of the internet platform of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland, in the webteam with Chris Regn and Nicole Boillat.
«DER LÄNGSTE TAG / THE LONGEST DAY– 16 hours nonstop outdoor performances». Artistic-curatorial project on 21 June, CONCLUDING DAY on 22 June: Zeughaushof Zurich, in collaboration with Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, with 16 invited international artists*/groups. Co-curated and organised together with Irene Müller (curator, art historian and author).
«ACT Performance Festival» for students of Swiss Universities: in charge of «ACT Sierre 2015» on behalf of L'École Cantonale d'Art du Valais ECAV, in collaboration with «ACT Luzern 2015» of Hochschule Luzern — Design & Kunst HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Design & Art HSLU), realised at the art space Tatort.
«DER LÄNGSTE TAG | THE LONGEST DAY– 16 hours nonstop outdoors performances». Artistic-curatorial project on 21 June: Zeughaushof Zurich, in collaboration with Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, with 16 invited international artists, groups. Co-curated and organised together with Irene Müller (curator, art historian and author).
«ACT Performance Festival» for students of Swiss Universities: in charge of «ACT Sierre 2014» on behalf of L'École Cantonale d'Art du Valais ECAV, in collaboration with «ACT Luzern 2014» of Hochschule Luzern — Design & Kunst HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Design & Art HSLU), realised at the exhibition hall USEGO in Sierre.
Co-founding member of PANCH Performance Art Network Switzerland.
«Delhi Workshop und Performance Day – Body-Temperature», with invited artists and workshop participants from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and New Delhi. Initiated and organised in the scope of my research residency supported by Pro Helvetia in New Delhi, realised in collaboration with Smitha Cariappa and Suresh Kumar, Bangalore.
«ACT Performance Festival» for students of Swiss Universities: in charge of ACT Sierre 2013 on behalf of L'École Cantonale d'Art du Valais ECAV, realised at the exhibition hall USEGO in Sierre.
«Perform Now! #3, Peformance Festival Winterthur», at Gaswerk and in the public space in Winterthur. Programmation with Thomas Lang (performance artist/festival director Winterthur) and Jasmin Glaab (artist, Basel).
«Live-Art Festival Bangalore 2011« India, Venkatappa Gallery and in public space in Bangalore. Conceptualising of the festival together with Smitha Cariappa, Bangalore. Curating the Swiss delegation together with Monica Klingler (performance artist Zurich).
«September Performances», international performance day at Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, co-organisation and programmation with Monica Klingler (performance artist) and Valerian Maly (lecturer/professor University of the Arts Bern HKB).
2010 & 2011
«stromereien», bienal (international) performance festival Zurich, Tanzhaus Zurich and in public space in Zurich. In the program team with Bettina Holzhausen, Karin Frei Rappenecker, Meret Schlegel.
«GNOM gruppe für neue musik baden». Member of the board, management and programming of annually about 7 events (concerts, performances in public space), with Petra Ronner (musician/sound artist, Zurich), Hans-Jürg Meier (musician/composer, Basel) and Philipp Meier (musician, Baden).
Swiss delegation to «2a Bienal der Performance DEFORMES» in Santiago, Chile. Co-organisation and programmation with Monica Klingler (performance artist, Zurich).
«DER LÄNGSTE TAG — 16 hours long non-stop outdoors performance marathon», with overall 64 invited artists and groups. Artistic and curatorial project on 21 June: Kunsthof Zurich (art exhibition venue in public space) of Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich HGKZ (Zurich University of the Arts HGKZ), Departement of Fine Arts, in collaboration with Peter Emch, Prof. SBK/HGKZ.