To table in the laboratory of an Open Session
by Dorothea Rust
published in APRESPERF — platform for texts about performance | text 2019, in German
published in «Kunst der Begegnung VII — Art of Encountering VII. Die anagrammtische Begegnung 2018 – The anagrammatic encounter 2018», by PAErsche Aktionslabor, in German and English
Performance Art from Asian, Switzerland and Germany
In the harbour area and in the Kaskadenkondensator (Werkraum Warteck pp)
October 3-10, 2018
Open Session 5 October 2018
Dawn Nilo (CH), Ting Liping (TW), Chakkrit Chimnok (TH) and Pattree
Chimnok (TH), Anja Plonka (D), Christiane Obermayer (D), Rolf
Hinterecker (A), Markus Goessi (CH), Gisela Hochuli (CH), Michael
Barrett (USA) and Gian-Cosimo Bove (CH)
October 5th, 2018
«To table in the laboratory of an Open Session»
I write many months later, which means roughly transcribing the notes I made during the session, and instead of drawings, photos, and videos, simply I just write words: I never photograph, I always write, I try to pant after my thoughts during the performance, also trying automatically and blindly to sketch instant associations - or may be they are more instant states. Then later I sit in front of these transcribed notes, which are now anchors and lead me back to the winch. This then launches the performance. Not the same performance as then. The ingredients have expanded. What is served here is a new menu and must be tasted (again) by the readers. ...