GNOM Score 1993—2013

GNOM Score 1993—2013

publication for 20th anniversary of GNOM gruppe für neue musik baden (group for contemporary music), published by GNOM. Editorial: Dorothea Rust, editorially revised by: Tobias Rothfahl and Hans-Jürg Meier. Design/Layout: Elisabeth Sprenger, 


With the datas of GNOM concerts, projects and performances of the last 20 years, between 1993 and 2013,  we have realized a GNOM-publication. It came out as a leporello, spread out it is more than 8 m long. Collecting and memorizing when, where and with whom membres of GNOM have shaped and contributed to a musical environment in and around Baden it not only is a record: we consider it as a score for further inspiration, re-enactments and musical happenings.

Hans-Jürg Meier and Dorothea Rust
Baden, in June 2013

score as leporello